Who we are

Having worked in large Internet Service Providers since the emergence of the Internet in Greece, we have the experience of Online Promotion since it’s early days. Recognizing that classic ways of advertising cannot compete effectively with online promotion, we have focused exclusively on Digital Marketing.

We specialize in Digital Marketing, which is our sole business and we are proud of the results we present to our clients.
At the same time, we are conducting educational programs related to applied digital marketing to businesses and individuals.

By being specialists, we are at the edge of digital marketing evolution and we remain there by continuously educating our staff and experimenting in new approaches.

But without our staff, we wouldn’t be able to achieve any of these. Meet them:

Anastasia Marianou

Anastasia Marianou

Account Master

Οrganizes and sets goals and strategy for your campaigns. The person that you should definitely trust for the perfect marketing mix.

Nasia Tragousti

Nasia Tragousti

Office Ruler

Organizes office operation. Our unlimited energy source.

Dafni Koulouri

Dafni Koulouri

Art Demon

Our beyond imagination artist. Inspiration, creativity and technique in the superlative degree!

Konstantina Moraiti

Konstantina Moraiti

Creative Wizard

The person behind our creatives. Unlimited inspiration, deep knowledge and experience on internet graphics.

Nassos Simos

Nassos Simos

Jedi Optimizer

He has been around since the beginning of the internet. When it comes to technology, he’s the guy you want to trust. He builds our methodology procedures, educational programs and he’s one of the most experienced campaigns optimizers.

Yiannis Banasis

Yiannis Banasis


Keeps things running.



Vicious Animal

The real boss of the office. You don’t want to mess with her.



Our next star

Are you a marketeer, a graphics designer, or a talented individual that seems to fit in our team?

Don’t hesitate to send us your CV. You could be the next member of our team!

But please be aware that we hire people to tell us what to do, not the other way around.

At Citrus Nobilis we love what we do
& we do it WELL!

Let us do it for you!

Office Address

2 Skoufa & Stournara str. Agii Anargiri, Greece